The United Kingdom Gambling Commission (UKGC), a leading gambling authority, has launched a new online reporting service that is meant to ease the battle against illegal gambling practices by increasing the anonymity of individuals who wish to report suspicious gambling activity.
This news about the new online reporting service by the UKGC comes just several days after the Commission started the second round of discussion regarding the proposal to institute changes to the United Kingdom’s white paper for gambling in order to improve their current responsible gambling approach.
More specifically, the new portal is all about allowing members of the industry, including players, industry experts, and vulnerable individuals, to file an anonymous report and help the United Kingdom Gambling Commission in the fight against gambling malpractices.
This includes a wide range of illegal activities including illegal gambling, underage gambling, money laundering, terrorism funding, etc. The new reporting services will also allow individuals to attach evidence along with the report, which is set to ease the job of the Commission in the battle against operators that are breaking the law.
The United Kingdom Gambling Commission will continue using the current reporting service via telephone, which basically serves the same purpose as the newly-introduced reporting portal, being that individuals can report illegal gambling activities and suspicious activity via a simple phone call.
In other words, the goal of the new reporting service is to make the entire process more anonymous, practical, and easier for individuals, with the persons reporting still retaining the option to leave personal contact information if they wish to receive real-time updates on their reports.
The only companies that are exempt from reporting are online gambling operators that are currently operating with a license issued by the United Kingdom Gambling Commission. Moreover, the Commission also points out that the service is not the be used for reporting crimes that are not related to the gambling industry.