UK Gambling Commission Reports £543.2m From Online Gaming Just For March – New Monthly Record

UKGC reports crazy monthly revenue statistic with over half a billion pounds from online gaming.

Revenue from online gaming in the UK is still going quite strong and noticing record numbers, especially with the latest lock-down protocols. It seems that the quarantine and staying at home have really paid off for the gambling providers. For that matter, the UKGC (United Kingdom Gambling Commission) reported record numbers when it comes to revenue from online slots for a single month. Specifically £202.9m, thus making a 4.1% increase in comparison to February.

This with the revenue from other gaming sources totals for a crazy amount of £543m of March only. Consequently making for the record monthly UK online gaming revenue ever.

The record revenue from iGaming in March is definitely due to the pandemic. But, online sportsbooks are also contributing with a huge chunk of the total amount, with a hefty £250.5m. Meaning that sports betting is still king in the UK, despite all land-based betting shops being closed for quite a while.

Furthermore, internet table games are responsible for £67.9m, while as we said earlier, online gaming rounds the total amount with £202.9m. All in all an excellent month revenue-wise by any standards. Consequently, starting April 12th all high street betting shops received a green light to reopen, after a decision by UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson.

However, the situation for land-based sportsbooks still looks grim. The past year took its toll and definitely left a mark on the betting industry. If you compare that in April 2019 the maximum bet on fixed-odds terminal devices was £100, and now it is only £2, that difference is quite evident. It is good to mention that online slots do not have a £2 per bet limit. Moreover, this was a major contributor to the closing of over 1000 betting stores. And consequently leaving thousands of people without work.

So, unfortunately, the bookmakers and betting stores were classified as non-essential businesses, and as such consequently shut down. Luckily, online gaming providers are safe for that matter, and still manage to make a difference. We can only hope that the latest immunization will speed things back to normal. And with that everyone to get their jobs back. Regardless of everything, we cannot wait to see if these crazy numbers will repeat in the upcoming months. And if the UK’s record revenue from online gaming will ever fall anytime soon.

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