CEO Paul Foster Has Resigned From His Position At The GBGA

ceo of gbga resignation

After five years as the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) at the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association (GBGA), Paul Foster has stepped down from his position. The news about the CEO of GBGA Paul Foster’s resignation came after a turbulent period at the gambling regulator from Gibraltar after the Association announced several major changes in their senior-level department.

As per the words of Nigel Birrell, the chairman of the GBGA, the changes are part of the Association’s transaction period, with many similar decisions being expected in the upcoming period. Moreover, Birrell also said that the decision for Foster to step down as the CEO is due to personal reasons, or more specifically so that he can dedicate more time to other business ventures. 

Birrell gave credit where credit is due, and acknowledged Foster for his 5-year tenure as the CEO of the Association. Birrell specifically expressed gratitude for the way that Foster managed to grow and expand the GBGA, as well as his ability to successfully overcome any challenges. 

Yet, Paul Foster isn’t the only major shift in the upper management echelon at the Association. In addition to the CEO, another notable figure that also resigned from her position is Merel Swarts. According to Birrell, both Swarts and Foster played crucial roles in the operation and administration of the Gibraltar Betting and Gaming Association, and as such, they will forever be remembered as professionals who put the well-being of the Association above everything else.

Consequently, Birrell made sure to thank both Paul Foster and Merel Swarts for their service and dedication, as well as wish them both good fortune in whatever they plan to do next. 

We would like to say thank you to Paul for all his hard work over the past five years and the best of luck with his future endeavors. Merel Swarts will also be leaving the GBGA as she continues to provide her support to Paul.  Merel has played a pivotal role in all the operations and administration work that the GBGA has carried out over the past few years and we would like to thank Merel and wish her well.

Nigel Birrell – Chairman of GBGA

Interestingly enough, after the resignation of the former GBGA CEO Paul Foster, there will no longer exist a position for a Chief Executive Officer. Instead of finding a new CEO, the Association introduced a new role called Secretary General. Birrell also revealed that this new position will be occupied by Nicholas Macias, the former Chief Operations Officer at the Association.

As per the new job description, the goal of the newly-appointed Secretary-General will be to oversee important strategic procedures, especially given the extensive experience of Macias in Gibraltar’s gambling scene. In addition, as Secretary General, Macias will also work closely with Angela Almeida and Bua Malamalatabua, also known as the dream team of the Association, known for playing a crucial role in growing GBGA’s social media channels and website.

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