Spain Reports Increase in Gambling Revenue

The latest report by Spanish gambling regulator DGOJ, shows an increase in total gambling revenue in Spain for Q1 of 2021.

The Dirrecion General de Ordenacion del Juego(DGOJ), the official gambling regulator from Spain, reports an increase in gambling revenue for Q1 of 2021. More specifically, there is a 10.2% year-on-year increase in gambling revenue or a 3.8% rise in comparison to 2020. The total revenue amount equals €240.1m. Moreover, these numbers are a result of the 80 licensed gambling providers that were operating in Spain during the first quarter of the year. Out of these 80, 51 offer casino gaming, 44 sports betting, 9 poker, 3 bingo and 2 prize draws.

From here, we can see that there is an increase in both player deposits and withdrawals as well. Or 6.1% for deposits, and 6.4% for withdrawals for the Q4 of 2020. Additionally, there is also an increase in registering new player accounts, which sees a 7.9% growth, or up to 422.533 for the same period. Moreover, active gaming accounts are also reporting stronger numbers. That is a 22.7% increase, or 1.1m active accounts.

Casinos are responsible for 41.4% out of the total gambling revenue, or up to a 28.3% increase for Q4 in 2020. This eventually amounts to €99.5m.

With €110.3m, sports betting is the biggest contributor towards the increase of the total gambling revenue in Spain. This is 45.6% of the revenue amount. This is a slight drawback in comparison with Q1 2020 when this was 50.4%. However, it is still a 6.5% increase in regard to Q4 of 2020.

Poker is also noticing strong numbers, with a contribution of €25m. This is a 3.1% rise in contrast to 2020. Moreover, bingo is reporting a drop in numbers as well, being 2.4% down, or contributing with €3.6m. Same as prize draws, who are noticing a €2m deficit in regard to Q1 2020. They are responsible for €1.7m, which is down from €1.9 last year.

Marketing/advertising is another department which records a drop in numbers. Specifically, there is a 1.7% decrease in all advertising areas, with the exception of affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing for that matter reports an increase in numbers of 1.2%. Consequently, the total marketing spending amount is for Q1 is €148.4m. Out of this amount, €71.5m in advertisements, €56m in promotions, €12.4m affiliate marketing and €8.5m in sponsorship deals.

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