Denmark Gaming Authority To Alleviate Testing Requirements

Denmark’s gambling regulator announces changes in testing requirement and certification procedure, as a well a few interesting updates in the overall online casino department.

The official gambling regulator in Denmark, the Spillemyndigheden, alleviates the testing criteria for online casino operators. More specifically, starting in 2022, the Danish regulator intends to completely alter the country’s certification procedure and requirements. Additionally and as part of this procedure, the Spillemyndigheden also intends to entirely reshape the testing laboratory process. And these are just some of the changes that are already on schedule to unfold. What is even more interesting, is the fact that the Spillemyndigheden will listen to all stakeholders’ opinions and suggestions on the new set of rules.

One major change with the new legislation is concerning the old ISO 17020. This conformity assessment is responsible for monitoring how a certain company conducts their inspections. With the new law, the companies will now have to use ISO 17025, which sole focus is to provide exact specifications and transparent testing lab conditions.

Furthermore, there will be no requirements for test companies to provide ISO accreditation in order to conduct ‘verification penetration testing. This type of testing procedure is usually necessary in order to find the faults that the product in question has. For that matter, the Spillemyndigheden states that this is now obsolete and that licensing by the Danish regulator is all that is now required. In addition to the close relationship that the licensees have with the Approved Vendor Scanners (AVS).

Moreover, there are also a few additional testing procedures that will be part of the new change. For example, concerning live casinos, the new law will make roulette and card mixing games part of a mandatory testing process. Furthermore, the ‘3-second’ rule will now be part of the parameters for testing requirements. Prior to being one of the mandatory inspection requirements.

Speaking of which, inspection procedures will also undergo certain changes. Some of the more important is the law that will include bingo in the peer-to-peer games section. This is in order to fully disclose that online casinos have permission to offer online bingo. The Spillemyndigheden’s new law will also change the personal information storage period of self-excluded customers. Meaning that there will be a certain timeline which will impose the length of the casino can keep that info in their database.

The Danish regulator also lifts the ‘three-year experience’ law for testing companies. More specifically, by lifting this law, the Spillemyndigheden said that the new stand is inspired by the people. In particular, the people who work at the company are more important than the timeline of the company’s existence.

Consequently, it is only natural that the requirement for employee experience will remain intact. So this indicates that as soon as the Denmark regulator alleviates the strict testing requirements, we can expect a completely different situation in the country’s gambling market.

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